students in corpse pose in a yoga teacher training program

What You Learn In YTT

So you just registered for a yoga teacher training (ytt) and you are now curious to know what you’re going to learn in it. Well it is going to be a lot, more than just learning how to do yoga poses, so here are the top four things we believe you learn in a ytt.

It’s A Lot More than Learning Poses

You’re going to learn a lot more than just poses. As you’re going to gunas and alot more and you will see how they’re all interrelated with each other. 

You’re going to learn about ayurveda – the science of yoga – and what you will begin to understand is that yoga is more of a metaphor of life: holding difficult poses,  while learning to relax in them. This is something we can take off the the mat, learn to relax as the ups and downs of life come and go.

teacher lecturing in a yoga teacher training program

It’s More About You Than You Will Ever Realize

It’s always the same thing. On the first day of a ytt,  are at the beginning of the day, where everybody is asked why they are  taking the course. Most people say to be a yoga teacher. 

It’s funny that these same people are the ones who end up having the most profound personal transformations when in the course.

What I’m saying is that doing a teacher training is always about you. It’s a desire to take what has help you with yoga and to teach to others .

You Learn To Trust Again

A lot of people who gravitate to yoga and ytt, are special needs and those who have been traumatized. One of the most difficult things for people in both these categories is they’ve been abused and that learning to trust people again takes a lot. 

And medication and talk therapy, for some, don’t work well. But yoga is something that people can do as little or as much as they want, when they want and play with their boundaries on a daily basis.

This is not to say that yoga or ytt are panaceas for traumatized and abused people, but it is the cheapest and most profound way to naturally help these sort of people to trust again.  

yoga teacher lecturing at yoga teacher training

Yoga Is All About Sitting

There is another funny thing that always comes up with some students in a yoga teacher training. When the bonding happens – a week into a ytt – there are always those students who want to show off their advanced abilities with certain poses: headstands, handstands, crow, etc. 

Those students focus on the poses only, despite the fact that they are learning about the many other topics of yoga. The reality is yoga is really just sitting for long periods of time, meditating that the other tools of yoga (e.g. mudra, mantras, etc ) assist to  this end. Sitting for long periods of time is the most direct and quickest way to connect with the divine. The entire purpose of yoga.

So if you just signed up for a ytt  you should be excited because you’re going to learn a lot more than just yoga poses.  It’s going to give you also more than just the ability to teach others and to make a living off teaching part-time or full-time. 

Doing a ytt is going to have a profound effect on your ability to connect to your spiritual side of who you are, and the ability to be more human and trusting of  others.