
The Jack Wishart Karma Scholarship Program

Jack was born on April 6th 2016.  He was an amazing baby whose bright eyes always lit up the room. Right from the start, Jack was inquisitive and eager to play and read stories.  He made friends with everyone who came to meet him, and he was adored by his whole family.

When Jack was 5 months old, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. His cancer was particularly aggressive and his family was told he had a 1 in 5 chance of survival. Jack spent time at Sick Kids in Toronto as well as McMaster in Hamilton where he underwent multiple rounds of chemotherapy. He defied the odds for 5 months, and in spite of his illness Jack learned to crawl and took his first steps while in the hospital. He was also known to bounce in his jolly jumper and entertain the nurses, even during treatments.

Jack went back to Sick Kids for a bone marrow transplant in March 2017. Although the transplant was a success, Jack caught a cold before his immune system was fully functional again. Tragically, this developed into pneumonia, and Jack peacefully passed away on May 7, 2017. He was 13 months old.

Although he was only with us for a short time, Jack had a life filled with love. Jack brought happiness and joy to everyone who met him, and he will always be remembered for his infectious laugh and his great big smile.

In memory of Jack, we offer 2 partial scholarships per year

These 2 partial scholarship covers half the full tuition of any program we offer online and in person and is based on two criteria:

  1. Proof of an income level below $30,000
  2. A 500 word or less statement of 1. why you want to be a yoga teacher and 2. you how will use the training to promote yoga

In exchange, the student of the partial scholarship will give back 50 of karma hours for online programs and 100 hours of karma hours for in person programs to Karma Yoga in some way (e.g. teaching, blogs, etc). Please email us if  you'd like to apply.