Become A Yoga Teacher Starting At Only $2295.
- All our students as part of the Karma Project offer Free yoga classes to day-cares.
- All our students as part of the Karma Project offer Free yoga classes to prisons.
- yoga teacher training
- All our students as part of the Karma Project offer Free yoga classes to not for profit organizations like food banks and shelters.
The Karma Project
One of our missions is to bring yoga to everyone in society, including those who are low income and marginalized. One of the largest barriers to spreading yoga to everyone is the fact yoga can be expensive. To address this problem, we started the Karma Project in which:
- We provide year round free yoga to low income individuals and non-profit organizations (see pictures above) via karma hours provided by new yoga teacher graduates from our yoga teacher training programs.
- Run free and by donation classes each summer with all the donations going back to the community.
- We offer affordable in person and online Yoga Teacher Training programs, to give more people a chance to become yoga teachers.
Starting February 1st, 2020, $10 of each course will be donated to Share TheMeal.
Share TheMeal is a crowdfunding smartphone application to fight global hunger through the United Nations World Food Programme. It enables users to make small donations to specific WFP projects and to track its progress. As of October 2019, ShareTheMeal has over 1.5 million downloads and 45 million meals shared.
Our goal for 2020 will be to pay for 2,000 meals for children and adults worldwide. We will update at the end of the year the locations of where the money specifically went.