The Facts

Yoga Journal polled a survey to their readers in America and made interesting statistics by the number that you may surprise you.

40{131173ed06903c8be65f6a81efeb8c2748771fe1459b6ab57276defad424c2c3}: Your top practice spots

$2.5 Billion: The amount Americans spend on yoga instruction annually

Vinyasa: Your favorite yoga style (also topping your list: Iyengar and Ashtanga)

5 Percent: …of you have given either your children or pets Sanskrit names

300: The circulation of the first edition of Yoga Journal, compared with 3.5 million monthly magazine and online readers today

10: The number of pages in the first edition of Yoga Journal compared with this issue’s 136

Wellness: The number 1 reason you practice yoga (Number 2: sense of peace/calm and Number 3: health)

Didn’t like the teacher: The number 1 reason you’ve walked out of a yoga class. Also making your list:

  • Too hot
  • Injured
  • Too crowded
  • Too advanced
  • An inappropriate assist
  • Distracting classmates
  • Too slow
  • Spontaneous partner work
  • An offensive odor

1.7 million: The number of American children under age 17 who practice yoga

75 Cents: The cost of the first issue of Yoga Journal when it launched in 1975

15 Percent: Of you who go on an annual yoga retreat–lucky ducks!

What With The Facts

As you can see, yoga is one of most popular activity, and it is expected that there will be more opportunities for yoga and yoga teacher to grow in the market as yoga is becoming trends.

By taking an advantage of that, it can be worth to invest some money on yoga teacher training not only to improve your own knowledge about yoga but also to get a potential skill to do something with the yoga trends as part of your job. Our yoga teacher training in British Columbia, Canada (Victoria & Vancouver) covers the topic, Yoga Business, to go through a brief overview of yoga trends as well as business related to yoga. You will learn not only physical asana practice but also other yoga related topics in yoga teacher training.  You will be surprised to learn basics of yoga as well as where yoga is heading in future!


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