
Awakening: Yoga Teacher Training

Enlightenment is a result of the awakening process. It doesn’t matter where you live in Canada be it, Victoria, Vancouver, Nanaimo,  Comox, Campbell River, Kamloops, Banff, Jasper, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Halifax, Saint John, St Johns or any other place in Canada, Enlightenment is rooted in consciousness.  To be enlightened, the soul must first  awaken to the idea there is much more to life than just oneself. 

It’s the understanding and  knowing you are a part of something so inconceivably big. Something much bigger than any one person.  

Enlightenment is admitting and acknowledging your insignificance in some way, shape or form  and searching beyond yourself. It’s a step in our personal evolution that allows us to see beyond  ourselves into a greater and much deeper meaning. 

Realization: Yoga Teacher Training

It’s the realization there is a reason for your  being. And that reason is to evolve as a person on an individual level, so we as a collective, can  evolve together. 

The best thing anyone can do can do to help everyone is help themselves.  Healing from past experiences, generational trauma and emotional wounds gives the opportunity  to see the world without projecting your own experiences. Enlightenment works beyond the  surface to heal deep wounds to gain insight on the why.  

teacher lecturing in a yoga teacher training program

Step Back: Yoga Teacher Training

Enlightenment is taking a step back and waiting before giving a reaction or responding.  Listening to the first voice you hear, your intuition, rather than the loudest voice, the ego

The  ego tries to shift blame, refuses to acknowledge ownership and is often trying to protect your  feelings. Your intuition comes from the gut.

We most of the time ignore our intuition which leads some to live in a state of  complete darkness and unawareness.

They spend their lives trying to achieve peace and  happiness through external pleasures.  The feeling of peace and happiness can only come from  within. 

Be Present: Yoga Teacher Training

Through yoga and yoga teacher training (RYT 200), enlightenment allows you to be fully present in every moment, not stuck in the past or  living for the future. We are constantly evolving, breaking cycles and forgiving past selves. 

This  forgiving and acceptance of the past creates space to heal without projecting our own negative  experiences onto others and into the future. 

Enlightenment is the realization the universe is not  working for nor against me, it’s working through me. It’s working through all of us – with yoga or a yoga teacher training  – the best  thing we can do to honor that, and to tune out eternal forces and connect with our soul. 

Meant To Be: Yoga Teacher Training

Shedding all that we are not, we are left with only who we really are.  We are all connected by this Divine energy, love and light.  It flows through all of us.