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What is Yoga?
I do yoga for its physical factor above all things. I can strengthen my body as well as lengthen it at the same time! I am an active person and I’ve always fed off other people’s energy, which in turn, drives my own energy to a happy place.
Being in a full room of yogis really helps me feel more energized when I feel like everyone else around is working towards a common goal. I love learning about the world and how it works. In a way, yoga helps me touch other aspects in life that I cannot seem to grasp anywhere else.
With the fact that you can do so many things within 1 hour of practice by being on a tiny mat, is quite an amazing thing. This mat that barely fits the parameter of my body becomes a portal to a state of self discovery and can help me understand why I come back here every time.
Yoga is an act of self love for me and it is something that I have a lot of trouble justifying. I have become a person that always puts other people and things before myself and often I cannot escape the guilt if I even leave a little time for myself.
Yoga gives me the chance to feel like I am not just only doing a good thing for myself but also to the people around me. I am much calmer and see things with a clearer head after practice and therefore justify the fact that I can accomplish a lot more with more efficacy. That thought can help me justify that my yoga practice is not only for myself, but for the greater good of everything around me.
I was brought up with a stereotypical tiger mom and even though I had straight A’s I was still never considered good enough and there was always something I can do to improve on. Those thoughts have followed me through to adulthood and I still constantly think what I do is not good enough and will strive to do more things with my life and make each of them better.
I have 3 degrees and now I am expanding my business. The pursuit of this teaching certificate is to add more to my business and consistently giving a more well-rounded place for the public to understand the scheme what services I am providing.
A part of my practice is about getting in touch with the spiritual world and my surroundings that I normally do not have the time to see or grasp. The air around me is not often appreciated until you are deprived of it.
The fact that it has a scent and its own characteristics are not ,really focused on. Yoga allows me to to really focus on air if I really ask myself to concentrate on it and begin to appreciate it for being a necessity for all living things. This type of meditation allows me to clear my head of the stress in my life for a few