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Things To Know Before Doing A Yoga Teacher Training
Doing a yoga teacher training or ytt can be an incredibly exciting life changing event. It can also be anxiety-ridden also and there are many reasons for that.
These emotions are not bad things; they are indicative of a good future yoga teacher. At the end of the day, yoga is a tool to convey humanity to other human beings. This is done via empathy, yoga poses, mudras and mantras.
Here are some things to know doing a yoga teacher training:
1. You Will Connect To Soul & Inner Voice Doing A YTT
It seems like a silly thing to talk about when the world is made up of emails, social media, Netflix. We attribute these things as being the real world. But according to yoga, the external world, is the world of Maya, the world of Illusion. The real world is what is going on inside us.
Finding this voice through a yoga teacher training is essential, as it helps us to tap into what our heart truly desires.
But it also helps us to connect with our own base empathy and this is a primary tool that is needed for being an effective yoga teacher.
2. A Sense Of Stress Will Occur
Many see a ytt as just a course and so get caught up that they just need to to learn the new terms and topics to teach, but yoga topics are mainly about feeling things.
This can lead analytical students to being stressed in the beginning of a ytt, but at the end of the course all students will see how the different topics of yoga work together.
3. Your Life Goals May Change
Doing lots of yoga and being encouraged to eat better of course people are going to challenge their lives and priorities while doing a ytt. Some people while in a ytt feel their ego collapse for a short time, but really end up just incorporating their new yoga ways into their egos again. They become just nicer versions of their old ego self.
For others, they coming to yoga teacher training with a desire to improve their own yoga practice. But end up leaving more passionate and ready to teach. Simply the yoga teacher training reinforces how yoga has affected them and helped them in their lives.
4. There Will Be A Shift In Relationships
Expanding on the points above, it maybe impossible to relate to friends and family while and after doing yoga teacher training. Yoga teacher training helps us to come back to our genuine selves. That means our true selves, so continuing to have fake relationships with others, be they family or friends for anybody with a conscience is almost impossible.
It’s not that you are better than them, its simply reflects that you are ahead of them on the path of life. And acting more genuine and compassionate may encourage them to do the same.
5. Doing A Yoga Teacher Training You Will Make Great Friends
Sort of adding to what is said above, but we become more genuine and true to who we are doing a ytt. When we are in a group of people doing the same, it is almost impossible not to form strong family ties with them.
Yyt is an awesome experience. You will get strong support from others in the group, and this will lead to some lifetime friendships.
6. You Will Become A Little More Fearless
Fear is a natural part of life and fear is a great thing as it lets you know what and when to pay attention to things. Unfortunately in todays world based on narcissism and ego, fear has become something that people take too seriously.
People are fearful to make any decisions in life that do not follow societal or social norms. Doing a yoga teacher training not only lets us see things for how they are, but it also emboldens us to simply decide not to follow the herd anymore and to begin to follow our own heart’s desire.
7. You Will Physically Get Fit
This is not the New Year’s resolution where you simply go to the gym for a few weeks. Or you decide to run a couple times a week for a month or two. Getting in shape is mandatory in a ytt.
So if you come into a yoga teacher training not in the best shape of your life, you will by osmosis become healthier. Yoga is one of the best physical things you can do for the energy you put into it.
Yoga doesn’t just work on making muscles and the heart healthier. It works on the mind as well. Lessening our stress and in turn leads us to doing less unhealthy things. Things like: overeating, not sleeping well or not working out.
8. You Can Still Follow Your Heart Desire
One thing that doing a ytt will reinforces – regardless of age or what has happened to you in life – is not giving up on your own personal dreams. Yoga is power from within that allows you to find the passion and courage to move towards your dreams.
These are 8 things you should know in how a yoga teacher training will change you. Many people come into a ytt not knowing what to expect or having high expectations. Regardless of either, doing a yoga teacher training is simply a fantastic experience and will change the trajectory of your life forever, regardless if you teach or not.