students in a yoga teacher

The Future of Yoga Teacher Training

So as the world is coming out of the post covid world with boosters becoming the newest rage to deal with the various Covid variance. Now the question being asked by a lot of people is how will yoga training be in the future now the technology and platforms have become a major tool in delivering it.

Here are three main ways yoga teacher training will change and remain in the future.

It Will Always Be centered on Yoga Texts

Sometimes when I’m listening to Ted Talks, I can connect new ideas being enunciated with old ideas from yoga texts from the Gita and the yoga sutras. My thought is when this happens is that it’s coincidence that these individuals are teaching principles, theories and philosophies from thousands of years, but the fact is that the mean tenants within the Gita and sutra are the foundations of many of the main ideas we still have about the human spiritual journey. Like we are connected to a greater consciousness, we are a fraction of the Divine and the world that we engage in each and every day is not a real world and as it says in yoga it s the world of May. So yoga text will always be the main foundation of yoga philosophy in yoga teacher trainings.

yoga class in a yoga teacher training

It Will Always Be Focussed On The Individual

A lot of people believe that yoga teacher training is something that is essential and can only be learned in a group setting with other individuals.

The main reason we do yoga trainings with other people is to share what we are learning with other humans and to have others give us constructive feedback on how we are conveying the skills and knowledge that we are learning in the program.

But it’s not essential to do yoga training with other individuals. Effective yoga teacher needs to get themselves out of the way and what this basically means is they needs to be grounded and whatnot Center yoga teacher training this will continue to be offered in settings but also self study programs will increase in popularity and May and the end become the main way people could come and go get teachers with the understanding that yep she’s training as a personal process it sucks 38 fits that well.

Yoga Teacher Training Group

Technology Will Enhance But Not Replace

As already mentioned, Google Meet, Skype and Zoom became dependent on and used to deliver ytt when Covid didn’t allow for in person yoga teacher trainings.

Other Technologies like holograms, PDF texts and videos enhanced the learning is conveyed to various learning styles. But at the end of the day technology will never replace the necessary personal experimenting learning yoga to refine the skills to become a good yoga teacher

In many ways yoga teacher training will change in how it’s delivered and may become something that is less focussed on group learning and may predominately become something that everybody will do via self-study delivery. With ytt in the future will become more affordable and this too will allow more people to become yoga teachers.