Yoga Teacher Training: Environment

If you’ve enrolled in a yoga teacher training you might find yourself filled with both excitement and its shadow—anxiety.  That’s normal!  A teacher training can be an intense personal and professional journey. However, if you feel well-prepared, it can also be a challenge to savor.  Here are some suggestions for getting ready, and some advice to help you along the way.

Lay the Foundation:

Once you’ve selected a program, read through the literature or talk to recent graduates. to learn what is expected of you. The common questions that we receive from students are; Is there a reading list?

How much time will you be in class? How much homework will there be? Even basic issues like finding out how long breaks or if there is a drugstore nearby will give you a sense of what the experience will be like and how the training will fit in with the rest of your life.

Our studio will provide you a welcome package that answers most of the questions above to help you ready for Yoga Teacher Training!

Asana practice:

It’s good to spend some time working on asana, too. Doing so will prepare you for the physical demands of day-long classes and help you remember the names of poses. But don’t overdo it! While it’s beneficial for students to have been practicing yoga on their own in the days and weeks prior to class, avoid excessive exercises, which might impair your ability to participate in the physical components of class.

Begin the Path of Self-Inquiry:

You probably expect to memorize Sanskrit names and learn how to demonstrate Trikonasana, but you may be surprised by how much time you spend thinking about yourself and your own practice as you prepare to teach yoga to others. This self-inquiry may be a welcome exercise, or it can bring up some troubling feelings that you’ve been ignoring.

Seek Support:

A training is not all testing and introspection. A wonderful part of the process is sharing the experience with like-minded yogis. Yoga Teacher Training programs often assign students a teacher-mentor to help them through rough spots, but you will also find your classmates are a good source for support and inspiration. There’s a pleasant surprise in meeting people and watching them go through the journey and sharing a good part of it with them.

If someone is in our Yoga Teacher Training, we are really dedicated to helping them complete the program as we want them to walk out of our studio with full of joy. Are you ready?