students in a yoga teacher

Should You Do Yoga Training Online or In Person?

Covid  has had a tremendous effect on the entire world and this is no less true with  the yoga training. When Covid first started worldwide in March, 2020 yoga teacher training programs (ytt) in person stopped and the online option became the only way to continue to get teacher trainings while the lockdowns were happening around the world.

As we are coming out of Covid-19 with vaccinations now is the question: what is the better way to obtain yoga teacher training: online or in person?

Yoga Teacher Training

Online YTT

Okay as mentioned above;  the online option was around prior to Covid. But became the only way to continue to learn to teach yoga while Covid was going on. With this technology was pushed to its limits and 2 ytt formats came about: literally face to face online class and self-study ytt, which is handing in assignments at your own pace.

The Yoga Alliance  now recognizes online ytt courses. So the benefits of online ytt are they are tremendously cheaper and provide people who couldn’t normally do a ytt –  because of work or life –  the opportunity to do so.

In Person YTT

In person yoga teacher training goes  back to the beginning of yoga, when sages were taught by gurus. YTT has always been an in-person one on one experience.

As mentioned above, Covid stopped this long tradition of teaching and learning but now the in person is back.  But now their are less students, social distancing is still required, student have to wear masks and the prices have gone up allot.  And this is despite all students being required to be vaccinated.

students in a yoga class

The Breakdown

What is the best choice of these two options? Well I don’t know if there is really a better choice! For some people who want to learn how to teach yoga or do it as a personal growth experience, in person ytt is the best option.

For a lot of people – as mentioned above –  online formats provides the ability to do a yoga teacher training where normally they would not be able to. 

Because of Covid,  people have a greater set of options now to become yoga teachers.