Yoga Teacher Training Group

How To Do A Yoga Teacher Training For Free

As the world of employment changes post covid, people are looking to change their careers or find new employment. One of the main new developments in the yoga industry are people finding ways to  take yoga teacher training (ytt) for free. Here are four ways you can obtain a yoga teacher training certificate relatively for free.

Offer Your Skills 

Yoga teacher training programs be that they are offered online or in-person are like any other business and are looking for marketable skills. These are skills like social media posting, blog writing; as well as editing of yoga training manuals and the list goes on and on.

If you have any of these skills, you can probably cajole a yoga teacher training program online or in person to offer you free tuition to one of their yoga training programs.

Students in a yoga teacher training
Do Sweat Equity With A Yoga Studio

Along the same lines as the above paragraph – but a little different – there is offering to do Sweat Equity for a Yoga Studio in exchange for free tuition to a yoga training program. 

Essentially this would be working front desk, cleaning the studio and cleaning equipment; even assisting in classes a bit. Anything that helps the business to offset the cost of having to pay other people to do such things.

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Get Your Company To Sponsor You

Many people who sign up and takes a YTT,  are taking it to enhance their careers or to become a yoga teacher at their place of work.

On the latter, this is to offer yoga to their fellow employees as a way to manage stress in the workplace offering yoga classes. 

Any decent size employer would most likely be willing to pay for you to train if you in turn were willing to offer free yoga for a set period of time to their employees. It would save them on less sick days and whatnot in the workplace.


And one of the new prevalent ways of getting to do a free yoga teacher training is the growth of yoga teacher training assistance or mentoring. 

These are people who work alongside the main leads in your training who assist when doing theoretical aspects, like teaching poses, teaching yoga classes when the teachers need a break or to arrive at different times and what not.

Personally if you can pay for a ytt yourself it provides a lot more flexibility taking this beautiful experience. But if your budget is tight, the above are four very realistic ways to obtain yoga teacher training for free and obtain your dream of becoming a yoga teacher.