Become A Yoga Teacher Starting At Only $2295.
Dr. Seuss once wrote “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.” It is incredible the autonomy you can have when you become a yoga teacher. You can work anywhere in the world now!
Yoga Teacher Training Instructor
Once you’ve been teaching for a little while, have been practicing meditation, and really living the yama’s and niyama’s (to the best of your abilities) you might consider teaching others how to become yoga teacher’s!
Giving the gift of yoga is one of the most incredible gifts you can give anyone, and giving the gift of being able to teach yoga to other’s as well is such an incredible gift. For every student you bestow your wisdom and knowledge on, they will create many new yogi’s in their path. If that alone isn’t reason enough to become a yoga teacher training instructor, I don’t know what is!

Yoga Blog Writer
This can include making vlogs (video blogs) or written blogs, but blogging is becoming more and more popular every day! You can get paid for sharing your journey with other people! If you enjoy writing or being on camera this job could be a wonderful option for you! You get to choose your own hours, your own location, and decide when you take your vacations (although I’m sure this job would feel like a vacation in of itself).
Retreats Coordinator
Let it be planning the retreats, leading the retreats, teaching at the retreats, whatever it may be, getting paid to go on retreats sounds like an awesome gig to me! We’re seeing a spike in yoga, meditation, and wellness retreats and festivals in North America now like never before.
Hopping around getting paid to share your experiences with people in different places while getting to get away from society for a little while sounds like an incredible opportunity.
Yoga Teacher in Australia .. or almost anywhere in the world!
Last but not least, being a yoga teacher! Of course that was obvious, but did you think about taking it anywhere in the world? Hop over to another province, state, country, or continent! You can teach anywhere, or take one of the jobs suggested above and take those to another place! Yoga and travel blog writer, teach at retreats in Bali, instruct at yoga teacher training courses in South America.
Find what sets your heart on fire and do it. Whatever it may be, take the leap and follow your heart! The world is at your fingertips.