How the prerequisites to apply to this program?

You need a 200 hr yoga teacher training certificate or permission 

Who is this training suitable for?

The online program is for those who live in remote areas, those interested in learning more about yoga or who want to be a yoga teacher, but need flexibility to complete their education.

Will I receive a  yoga teacher training certificate after completing this course?

You will receive an official 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification if you pass the program.

How long does course take? 

You can – with a lot work – complete the program in 4 weeks or up to a year, so you can work as fast or as slow as you want. Just remember the course needs to be completed within 1 year from the date of registration.

Is There A Prerequisite To Do  The Program?

You can take the program with or without any prior yoga training or experience.

Do You Offer Payment Options?

Payment options are available after the deposit is paid. All payment options are offered interest free.

We offer 2 payment options:

  • 4 Payments
  • 2 Payments